只有一些早期的老粉會知道我為何叫HBK,那就是Heart Break Kid,沒錯,就是前WWE摔角傳奇冠軍的名字,我從WWF時代就很迷他了,所以從年輕時網路名稱就是取名為HBK。
我人生中有兩個最大的偶像,是讓我極度瘋狂著迷,並很想努力學習他們態度的傳奇,一個是Michael Jackson,另一個就是Kobe Bryant,然而很遺憾與難過的是,他們都已經被外星人抓走或是被上帝徵招了,讓成千上萬的粉絲只能遺憾的緬懷著。
回想起2009年,Michael Jackson的離開對我打擊很大,那時他正準備衝生涯最後一趟演唱會之旅,想要觸底反彈,把他那無人可擋的舞台魅力最後一次獻給始終支持他不離不棄的歌迷,只是沒想到幾乎都排練好後,他就這樣無預警離開了。
正也是因為Michael Jackson的過世我才開始認真寫文,起初在無名小站寫很多MJ的文章與影片受到關注,後來就順便開始寫我一直很熱愛的NBA,以Allen Iverson與Kobe Bryant兩個我最喜歡的球員做為主軸。
然而很有意思的是,Kobe也相當崇拜Michael Jackson,他在新人年身陷低潮不被重用,甚至被外界質疑,那種老派認真的個性被隊友們嫌棄與排擠,在面對職業生涯相當徬徨的時候,是Michael Jackson開導他的,回憶起當時,Kobe曾說道:
當初這位King Of Pop的建言讓Kobe Bryant這毛頭小子更堅定與奠定他往後的『#曼巴之路』,既然有偏執的好勝心與努力不懈的態度,就一路開幹走到底,清楚無愧於自己就對了,即便不討喜,深信這就是成功之道,也期盼能藉此感染隊友。
我們沒有Kobe這種天賦,但至少我們能從他身上學習的就是態度,就像他與Michael Jackson那學來的一樣,而『#堅持』是最基本的一環,卻也不是那麼容易達到,而我很慶幸的是,我非常熱愛籃球、打籃球,在我寫文時,我處在我最愛球員Kobe Bryant的時代,還有Tim Duncan、Allen Iverson、Steve Nash,讓我有著熱血元素驅動自己。
這一份堅持,轉眼間十年就過了,我家老大FiLa也這樣陪了我十年,而前面八、九年 #她幾乎因為我瘋狂寫文的關係被我冷落,凡事都得等一下,或者出遊也都在用電腦,不過去年我醒悟了,身邊的家人、愛人才是最重要的,沒她們,又有何意義,何況我也沒因此賺錢給她們好生活。
且對我來說最酷的事,當Kobe Bryant退役後,他仍繼續影響世人。
Kobe Bryant或許在很多人眼裡不是最偉大的球員,但他在我心中是,為何呢? 因為Kobe對於我,#真正偉大之處並非他是否為最強的球員,而是他始終在激勵著球迷、啟發人,影響著下一代的球員。
就像我前幾天說的,不管紀錄被LeBron James超過,或者未來也有人跨過,Kobe Bryant #在我心中偉大的地位永遠是不可撼動的,因為早就超脫數字、冠軍戒指、甚至球員強弱這環節,而是他深深影響了我的人生態度。
有人心中最偉大的可能是Michael Jordan、可能是LeBron James,也可能是Tim Duncan或是Dirk,我覺得都很棒,都是很多人心中的籃球英雄,而在我心中,#最偉大的籃球員無疑就是Kobe,無人能夠取代,過去、現在到以後都是永遠如此。
今天這台灣時間2020年1月27日,這該死的2020年帶走了我心中所剩的最愛偶像,我得承認我情緒有點崩潰,這比Michael Jackson離開還難過許多,因為至少Michael是在睡夢中離世,#但Kobe與最像他的女兒Gianna卻是飽受這樣驚恐的墜機離開大家,心中那種不捨與痛心是沉重到不行.....
而Kobe Bryant一生幾乎都奉獻給籃球了,就連走的時候也與籃球有關。
根據媒體報導,Kobe坐私人直升機就是帶著女兒去參加籃球比賽,因為Gianna也愛籃球,這幾年讓Kobe非常熱衷陪著女兒在籃球路成長,幾乎常常飛來飛去,如果沒在那麼愛籃球,或許會不會Kobe就不會經歷這次墜機? 我真的不知道....
但我知道的,這就不是我們熟悉的Kobe Bryant了,這是不可能發生的。
大年初一那天,我才發個文跟大家說,#人生無常,很多人、事、物很可能會無預警地從你人生中抽離,所以要珍惜身邊的人、珍惜所擁有的東西,然而我真從沒想過Kobe Bryant會以這樣的方式離開我們籃球迷。
我也不清楚我還能寫多久,如果沒辦法有收益,還是得向現實低頭,不過我不會這麼輕易放棄,不過還是希望能有些也很懂NBA的人可以幫忙解惑,除了粉絲團的文章下討論,還可以一起互動討論籃球,且一直繼續聊我們永遠的老大Kobe Bryant。
因此 #最近有空我應該會創一個社團,給志同道合的人一起加入,能聊聊籃球、聊聊人生,與裡面的你們更加認識,也是完成之前Kobe退役後答應湖人迷的承諾。
我不會忘記Kobe昨天最後在社群寫的,他要LeBron James持續向前,這代表的洛杉磯湖人全隊上下,還有湖人球迷也都要如此,#希望今年紫金能替Kobe奪下一冠,因為王朝的殞落,這一直是他生涯晚年的遺憾,加油,湖人,真的拜託了!
最後我以身為Kobe Bryant非常死忠的球迷為榮。
✏️ HBK
同時也有564部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅一貧伏特加,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大家好~我是一貧伏特加 感謝大家喜歡我的影片!讓我能夠成功達到一萬訂閱!! 為了回饋給大家之前在粉絲專業有舉辦投票活動 票選結果前三名就是我要介紹給大家的主題! 而二部曲就是我常常在影片中提到的鳥類剋星-Randy Johnson!!! 如果覺得有重要的事情我沒有提到的話記得留言和我討論喔! 最後不...
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lebron 16 在 HBK 的 NBA I Love This Game Facebook 八卦
魔獸回來了!Dwight Howard關鍵第四節用防守與拚勁主宰比賽!
我不知道該怎麼形容Dwight Howard今晚的表現,真的太出色了.....因為我非常專注在看他場上一舉一動,整晚幾乎是無懈可擊,在所有該做的以及任何小細節上,能看到他是用110%的專注力與努力去投入比賽之中。
今晚Howard前三節上場時間其實沒很多,但只要他在場上,湖人防線不管是禁區還是第二道補防上,他與Anthony Davis真的給馬刺超大的防守壓力。
尤其第四節,眼看湖人就要被Dejounte Murray一股氣勢壓過時,Howard在攻防兩端都取到了巨大的作用,不停在馬刺禁區攪和爭取二次進攻機會,接著在湖人外圍毫無準心下,硬打Jakob Poeltl得分,以及很振奮士氣的空接補扣,並且在防守端連續場數打擊馬刺氣焰的火鍋。
Dwight Howard無疑是這場拉鋸戰下最終湖人能贏球的英雄,在LeBron James外線與罰球狀態都不佳,團隊三分命中率僅25%下,在第四節撐起了比賽,用他扮演苦力的態度,去改變了士氣天秤,進而影響了勝負。
🌐我的twitter➡ https://twitter.com/HBKMAMBA
全場7投7中100%的完美命中率,繳出了14分13籃板2助攻2阻攻與1抄截(抄截統計沒寫,但最後Rudy Gay突破時確實被Howard拍掉造成失誤,很關鍵的一個防守)。
還有一位一定要點名的就是Avery Bradley,今天幾乎把DeMar DeRozan守死了,整場黏著不放,在防守端的判斷與站位在我看來幾乎沒失誤,且今晚也9投7中高效貢獻16分,同樣是湖人今晚贏球的大功臣,而提早退場是因為膝蓋疑似被踢到,但傳出並被沒有大礙。
LeBron James此戰又寫下大三元,21分11籃板13助攻,他有沒有在場是對湖人差別很大,但今天就細節來看他打得並不好,失誤與投籃都失常,但好在湖人本季綠葉真的夠多夠猛。
至於Anthony Davis是穩定表現,25分11籃板,在攻防兩端都很有影響力,但他今天與LeBron James勢必要檢討,兩人太多失誤了,馬刺光透過湖人失誤就拿下23分,假使沒這些失誤被反擊,今晚不會贏得那麼辛苦。
馬刺方面,當DeMar DeRozan與LaMarcus Aldridge都打得不好時,馬刺還能有這樣競爭力,代表球隊未來是越來越光明的。
雙後衛Dejounte Murray與Derrick White真的是馬刺未來的希望,Murray的速度實在是能用飛快來形容,且他打起球來侵略性十足,是一個可以改變球場氣勢的年輕人,今晚第四節湖人差點被他衝垮。
而Derrick White則打起球來很冷靜,就是馬刺風格型的戰將,且他與Murray在防守端都相當出色,未來兩人如果能同時上陣(目前刻意拆開,因為Murray的使用限制),並且能激出火花,馬刺這後場雙人組是值得期待的。
✏️ HBK
lebron 16 在 HBK 的 NBA I Love This Game Facebook 八卦
魔獸回來了!Dwight Howard關鍵第四節用防守與拚勁主宰比賽!
我不知道該怎麼形容Dwight Howard今晚的表現,真的太出色了.....因為我非常專注在看他場上一舉一動,整晚幾乎是無懈可擊,在所有該做的以及任何小細節上,能看到他是用110%的專注力與努力去投入比賽之中。
今晚Howard前三節上場時間其實沒很多,但只要他在場上,湖人防線不管是禁區還是第二道補防上,他與Anthony Davis真的給馬刺超大的防守壓力。
尤其第四節,眼看湖人就要被Dejounte Murray一股氣勢壓過時,Howard在攻防兩端都取到了巨大的作用,不停在馬刺禁區攪和爭取二次進攻機會,接著在湖人外圍毫無準心下,硬打Jakob Poeltl得分,以及很振奮士氣的空接補扣,並且在防守端連續場數打擊馬刺氣焰的火鍋。
Dwight Howard無疑是這場拉鋸戰下最終湖人能贏球的英雄,在LeBron James外線與罰球狀態都不佳,團隊三分命中率僅25%下,在第四節撐起了比賽,用他扮演苦力的態度,去改變了士氣天秤,進而影響了勝負。
🌐我的twitter➡ https://twitter.com/HBKMAMBA
全場7投7中100%的完美命中率,繳出了14分13籃板2助攻2阻攻與1抄截(抄截統計沒寫,但最後Rudy Gay突破時確實被Howard拍掉造成失誤,很關鍵的一個防守)。
還有一位一定要點名的就是Avery Bradley,今天幾乎把DeMar DeRozan守死了,整場黏著不放,在防守端的判斷與站位在我看來幾乎沒失誤,且今晚也9投7中高效貢獻16分,同樣是湖人今晚贏球的大功臣,而提早退場是因為膝蓋疑似被踢到,但傳出並被沒有大礙。
LeBron James此戰又寫下大三元,21分11籃板13助攻,他有沒有在場是對湖人差別很大,但今天就細節來看他打得並不好,失誤與投籃都失常,但好在湖人本季綠葉真的夠多夠猛。
至於Anthony Davis是穩定表現,25分11籃板,在攻防兩端都很有影響力,但他今天與LeBron James勢必要檢討,兩人太多失誤了,馬刺光透過湖人失誤就拿下23分,假使沒這些失誤被反擊,今晚不會贏得那麼辛苦。
馬刺方面,當DeMar DeRozan與LaMarcus Aldridge都打得不好時,馬刺還能有這樣競爭力,代表球隊未來是越來越光明的。
雙後衛Dejounte Murray與Derrick White真的是馬刺未來的希望,Murray的速度實在是能用飛快來形容,且他打起球來侵略性十足,是一個可以改變球場氣勢的年輕人,今晚第四節湖人差點被他衝垮。
而Derrick White則打起球來很冷靜,就是馬刺風格型的戰將,且他與Murray在防守端都相當出色,未來兩人如果能同時上陣(目前刻意拆開,因為Murray的使用限制),並且能激出火花,馬刺這後場雙人組是值得期待的。
✏️ HBK
lebron 16 在 一貧伏特加 Youtube 的評價
而二部曲就是我常常在影片中提到的鳥類剋星-Randy Johnson!!!
最後不要忘記Like & Subscribe
1. 數據英文縮寫介紹: IP:投球局數,W:勝投,L:敗投,ERA:防禦率,K:三振,K/9:每9局奪三振數,G:場次,#1:聯盟第一,BB:保送,WHIP:每局被上壘人數
2. 1994年勞資雙方無法達成協議球員罷工導致賽季中斷
3. 10:16~10:20出自卡通-遊戲王
4. 2016年Bartolo Colón以42歲又11個月刷新最老打出生涯首轟
5. 15:13~15:18出自遊戲-神奇寶貝
6. 大聯盟的禁藥時代大概從1990年代後期到2000年初
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Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
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lebron 16 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Allen Iverson finally shook his shadow and shook up the NBA Finals.
Hounded by unheralded Tyronn Lue, Iverson scored seven of his 48 points in a one-minute span of overtime as the Philadelphia 76ers stunned the Los Angeles Lakers with a 107-101 victory in the opener of the NBA Finals.
Iverson scored 30 points in a scintillating first half, letting everyone know that the 76ers were going to be more than another pushover for the powerful Lakers. His late flurry silenced the Staples Center and unceremoniously ended Los Angeles' run at a perfect postseason.
"Anybody that bet on it, some broke people out there," Iverson said. "I'm glad nobody didn't bet their life on it 'cause they definitely would be dead right now."
Instead, the Sixers -- double-digit underdogs -- are very much alive as they again displayed their heroic heart.
"Our guys just try hard," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "This is kind of unexpected but it's neat."
In between Iverson outbursts, Lue stymied the NBA Most Valuable Player for nearly 20 minutes, using his quickness to prevent Iverson from even getting the ball, let alone shoot it. He had spent the last two practices impersonating Iverson and apparently got pretty good at it.
"I just try to deny him the ball as much as possible, because when he does get the ball, the best penetrator in the game is going to be hard to stop," Lue said. "We were trying to keep the ball out of his hands as much as possible."
"He was holding me the whole time," Iverson said.
But the third-year reserve let his guard down for just a second and it cost the Lakers. Iverson's two free throws pulled the Sixers within 99-98 with 1:46 remaining and the Lakers called a timeout.
Lue drove and threw up a wild shot as he fell out of bounds. The Sixers rebounded and Iverson ran out in transition. With Lue nowhere in sight, he drilled a 3-pointer that gave Philadelphia the lead for good at 101-99 with 1:19 left.
"That was really the knife that wounded us," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said.
Rick Fox spoiled a solid game by throwing away a pass and Iverson made a step-back baseline jumper for a 103-99 lead with 47 seconds to go.
Kobe Bryant, who shot poorly and could not defend Iverson, hit a baseline jumper with 33 seconds to play. But Eric Snow, whose runner late in the fourth quarter saved the Sixers, made a similar shot to seal it with 10 seconds left.
On the eve of his 26th birthday, Iverson made 18-of-41 shots and 9-of-9 free throws, adding six assists and five steals. Playing his first NBA Finals game, his explosion offset 44 points and 20 rebounds by Shaquille O'Neal as he won the duel between the league's last two MVPs.
The Lakers rallied from a 15-point third-quarter deficit only to blow a five-point overtime lead as they lost for the first time since April 1, a span of 20 games. They had come into this series as huge favorites, having romped through the postseason with 11 straight wins by an average of more than 15 points.
"I'm kind of relieved it's over in some ways but but it does put some pressure on us to get a win on our home court," Jackson said. "We've got to go out on Friday night and find a way to get this series tied up."
The Sixers came in with no one expecting them to win a game, let alone the series. But they used their trademark toughness to do in just one game what the weak knees of the Western Conference could not do in 11 -- beat the Lakers.
"They thought we were gonna get swept and that was like a slap in the face to us," Iverson said.
Game Two is Friday at Los Angeles. Philadelphia is trying to knock off the defending champions and win its first title in 18 years.
"Now it's a series," O'Neal said.
However, Philadelphia may have to try a little harder. Guard Aaron McKie, who did a superb job of defending Bryant, suffered a chip fracture of his right ankle but is probable for Friday.
Both Iverson and O'Neal abused a series of defenders. Iverson sent starter Derek Fisher to a permanent seat on the bench and also had his way with Bryant before Lue came on.
"You can't take anything away from Tyronn Lue," Iverson admitted. "A lot of guys go out against a player that's named MVP of the regular season and won't give it his all, act like he's scared. But he gave his team a great lift."
O'Neal met some resistance from Mutombo but manhandled Matt Geiger and Todd MacCulloch at the end of the third quarter. He made 17-of-28 shots but just 10-of-22 from the line.
Most of O'Neal's offense came against single coverage from Dikembe Mutombo, who sat down with foul trouble for most of the third quarter but still contributed 13 points, 16 rebounds and five blocks.
His presence allowed Philadelphia to swarm to Bryant, who had an awful game with just 15 points, on 7-of-22 shooting, and six turnovers.
"They got into Kobe's body, and bodied him on the dribble, stripped the ball when he picked it up," Jackson said. "He really didn't clear himself for shots very easily tonight."
Snow scored 13 points and injury-hampered Matt Geiger provided an unexpected 10 for the Sixers, who shot 48 percent (40-of-83) and missed just two of 25 free throws, which came at the worst possible time.
O'Neal's dunk off a feed from Bryant with 1:57 left in the fourth quarter gave the Lakers a 94-92 lead, their first since midway through the second period.
Snow answered with his first running jumper and the Sixers had a chance to take the lead when Mutombo rebounded a miss by Snow and was fouled with 34 seconds to go. But he missed both after Philadelphia had hit its first 19 from the line.
Bryant and Snow missed, sending it to overtime, where it looked like the Lakers were ready to win. O'Neal threw in a hook, Bryant spun for a layup and O'Neal split a pair from the line for a 99-94 lead.
The Sixers looked dead when Raja Bell found himself trapped in the lane with the shot clock running down. But he pivoted and threw in a scoop shot with his left hand with 2:19 remaining, sparking the comeback.
Fox scored 19 points for the Lakers, who were playing for the first time in 10 days and shot 44 percent (40-of-90).
At the start, it looked like another Lakers landslide. A 16-0 burst capped by Bryant's first basket gave Los Angeles an 18-5 lead with 5 1/2 minutes to go -- and perhaps allowed complacency to set in.
"We watched games that they played when they jumped out on guys and guys just packed it in and stopped playing," Iverson said. "But we've been like that before. We've been in games where we started off slow and ended up winning."
Iverson scored 10 points in the rest of the period, then opened the second quarter with a jumper over Bryant for a 24-23 lead.
The Lakers still held a 38-36 lead midway through the second quarter when Jackson was hit with a technical foul for arguing a non-call against Mutombo.
Iverson made the foul shot, Geiger hit two jumpers to give the Sixers the lead at 41-40 and Iverson took over from there as he scored Philadelphia's last 15 points of the half, mostly off his trademark crossover dribble.
His 3-pointer gave the Sixers a 56-48 advantage before O'Neal hammered home a miss by Bryant in the final second.
At intermission, Iverson had 30 points on 11-of-24 shooting, lighting up Bryant, who was 2-of-10 for four points with five turnovers.
"Allen really stepped it up," Brown said. "His first half was about as good as it gets."
It continued in the third quarter, as Iverson fed Jumaine Jones for an alley-oop slam, sank a jumper and dropped a layup over O'Neal for a 64-54 lead. He took a steal in for a layup and hit a fading corner shot before Eric Snow's three-point play gave the Sixers their largest lead at 73-58 with 5:23 left.
But with Mutombo on the bench, Philadelphia could not fight off O'Neal, who overpowered Geiger and MacCulloch and muscled Los Angeles back into it. He scored 14 points in the final 5:10 of the period, and with Lue shadowing Iverson, the Lakers pulled within 79-77 entering the final period.
Philadelphia led by as many as seven points early in the fourth quarter, when Mutombo picked up his fifth foul and again sat down before returning less than a minute later as Geiger fouled out.

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Not a good day or night for Phil Jackson thanks to the NBA and Linas Kleiza.
Jackson got fined $50,000 for accusing the league of having a vendetta against Kobe Bryant, then lost a seventh straight game for the first time in his 16-year coaching career Thursday night when the Los Angeles Lakers fell to the Denver Nuggets 113-86.
Kleiza scored a career-high 29 points and Carmelo Anthony had 26 as the Nuggets handed the Lakers their 13th loss in 16 games.
"That's great when you've got a guy coming off the bench contributing the way he has," Allen Iverson said of Kleiza, who scored 24 against Sacramento on Sunday. "He never cares about starting or anything like that. When his opportunity comes, he's just always ready."
Kleiza shrugged off his career night:
"It was just one of those games where the shots were going down. Melo and Iverson were doing a great job sharing the ball," he said.
Kleiza was doing a great job putting it through the hoops, hitting 10-of-13 shots, including 5-of-6 from the arc.
Iverson couldn't have picked Kleiza out of a crowd when he came over from Philadelphia three months ago but said the second-year forward was the catalyst for the Nuggets' biggest win since the trade.
"I didn't know who he was when I got here, but a nationally televised game, I think a lot of people around the world know who he is now," Iverson said.
Iverson added 14 points and 13 assists and Marcus Camby had 11 points and 14 boards for the Nuggets, who moved into a tie with the Lakers for the sixth spot in the Western Conference playoff race.
Bryant's 25 points led the free-falling Lakers, who couldn't capitalize on the return of Luke Walton and Lamar Odom despite building a double-digit lead in a mostly stellar first half.
Anthony scored 10 points in a 24-10 run that Denver used to close the third quarter and take an 87-72 lead and turn the game into a blowout. Even the Nuggets, who have lost 10 games in which they led after three quarters, couldn't blow that big of a lead.
Camby's alley-oop dunk made it 92-72 and the Nuggets enjoyed a rare blowout at the Pepsi Center, where they are just 18-17.
Earlier in the day, Jackson and the Lakers were fined $50,000 apiece by the NBA after the coach said the league was conducting a "witch hunt" against Bryant.
"I thought you only get fined for criticizing the officiating," Jackson said before tip-off. "They're the sacred cows. But I find out somebody else has a sacred cow somewhere else."
Bryant recently received two one-game suspensions this season for striking players in the face after taking a shot. The league retroactively assessed Bryant with a flagrant foul for an elbow to Philadelphia's Kyle Korver last week, a play that didn't even draw a foul.
Bryant picked up three fouls in a 90-second span in the third quarter Thursday night while the Nuggets, who closed the first half on a 13-2 run, were pulling away.
"The third quarter it just caved in on us," Bryant said.
With Brian Cook (ankle) not making the trip, both Walton and Odom returned to the Lakers' lineup. Odom hadn't played since tearing the labrum in his left shoulder March 2 and Walton had been sidelined since spraining his right ankle Jan. 26.
They started along with Kwame Brown, who missed 27 games with a sprained ankle before returning March 2. He replaced 19-year-old Andrew Bynum at center. Walton had 13 points and Odom scored nine.
"Luke Walton ran out of gas and Lamar Odom is just not ready to play," Jackson said.
A winded Odom went scoreless after halftime.
"He didn't have a good second half," Jackson said. "He did a good job on Carmelo. He hit a couple of shots then and Kobe wanted to switch onto him."
Said Odom: "I didn't have much tonight. The game took a lot out of me. I had some problems with Carmelo. It made sense to make the switch."
Despite it all, Bryant saw glimpses of a looming recovery.
"With Lamar back, we saw flashes of what we're capable of in the first half," he said. "We just have to build on that and understand that that's the team we want to make noise with in the playoffs. We have to build with what we have here and Luke and Lamar need to get in basketball shape.
"When that happens we'll feel pretty good."
Jackson will feel a lot better, too.

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